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Count On Tools Further Expands Georgia Headquarters

Posted by Z. Shook on 1/2/2012 to Count On Tools News

Count On Tools Inc., a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, announces recently expanded its manufacturing operations at its Gainesville, Georgia Headquarters for the second time in recent months. The recent expansion is in response to the growing market for SMT nozzles and consumables as well as the increased demand for its precision contract machining services.

According to company representative, Zach Shook, COT recently purchased a 26 mm SUPER Swissturn Precision CNC Machining Center by Tsugami to further increase production capabilities and lower product lead times. The SS platform from Tsugami features a flexible design, allowing it to grow and change with their business. Its modular tool zone effectively handles complex parts with dual path control. It is ideal for both short run and extended production.

The industries COT serves count on accuracy of part specifications and on-time delivery of their orders. This new machine will help COT achieve both. Additionally, the new machine handles jobs faster by providing COT with increased production speeds and faster processing power. “This new equipment helps us to produce tight tolerance, precision components quickly and consistently,” said Shook. “As a result, we can now respond to changing customer needs faster and at highly competitive costs."

As a contract manufacturer, COT and its experienced, knowledgeable management team strives to provide a full line of services to its customers and to continue meeting customers' demands both now and in the future. For more information, visit www.cotinc.com.


Count On Tools Inc. Debuts ezLOAD PCB Support System

Posted by Z. Shook on 1/1/2012 to New SMT Products

Count On Tools Inc., a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, introduces the new ezLOAD PCB support system. With the recent increase of densely populated double-sided circuit boards, COT recognized the need for more affordable board support options in the electronics manufacturing industry. The end result is an innovative design that is not only easy to setup and install, but also offers industry-leading benefits to EMS companies and contract manufacturers worldwide.

The new ezLOAD PCB support system from COT not only reduces changeover times, but improves product build quality, increases revenues by providing significant cost savings, and can eliminate component damage during the assembly process.

COT’s new ezLOAD features active grip technology to securely hold boards during the assembly process. It protects components while allowing the boards to move freely through the assembly line. Also, with the basic universal design, there are no mechanical functions to fail. The system requires no air, electronics, or communication from the user. The magnetic locking base enables a quick and easy installation. Other base designs are available for non-magnetic tables. Most importantly, the ezLOAD PCB support system is affordable compared to competitive products on the market.

The ezLOAD PCB support system is compatible with any SMT equipment, from pick-and-place to chipshooters, screen printers, dispensers, AOI, and more.  It is extremely durable thanks to the soft, flexible design, and is proven to be reliable after testing in the most hazardous conditions.

Standard designs are available for the following machine models: Panasonic CM88C-M, CM86C-M2, MSR; Yamaha YV100II – YV100X; Samsung CP60, CP40LV, CP45FV, CP45NEO; and Fuji NXT and XP-142. The ezLOAD PCB support system is customizable depending on machine requirements, specialized components, or specific design application requirements.


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